Thursday, September 07, 2006

First Day blogging after a long one at work!

Hey everybody Alejandra just showed me this new blog. I think it is a fun idea so everyone can see how we are doing. I won't be able to write in it as much as I would like but she´ll keep everyone informed of what we are doing. Today I don't have much to say except that I worked all day and most of the evening (sales training meeting) so I'm ready to relax and have dinner. Tomorrow I will be in Cancun visiting our store there. I want to make sure I get there before we go on our trip next week. For those who don't know we are going to Ontario, Canada for a well deserved vacation. We are very excited to go to Ontario, a first for us both (even though I almost feel like I've been before because of everything Justin has told me about it).
Take Care and you'll be hearing from us soon!!!


Luis Paz said...

Buen viaje a ambos!! Parece que fuera ayer cuando pasé esa maravillosa semana con ustedes no? Pero ya pasó más tiempo, ya llega su tan esperado viaje a Ontario. Les deseo lo mejor y tomen muchas fotos, pues una imagen vale más que mil palabras. Saludos a Mary y Larry.

P.D. Me gustaría poder tener mi blog, pero por la universidad y todo eso no me es posible. Así que siéntanse orgullosos, sólo abrí mi cuenta para poder comentar sobre el suyo.

Justino said...

Wow, that is a good-looking man! I think this blog thing is a good ideas for Germans too. Just like gums. Have fun in Toronto! We will see you in a few weeks.
Be sure to look at Ana's blog too-- I am going to post funny stories about Jeff and Justin in Chile when a funny ball of hair came out of Jeff's soup.